Trisha once termed a jinked actress is now synonymous with success. After the Tamil hits ` Swamy’ and `Ghilli’ in Tamil and a Varsham in Telugu she is the numero uno. She is paired with Vijay as her costar in Thirupachi and `Ji’ with Ajith. Though she plays the petite and coy girl in film after film many feel that her acting potentiality can come out if given the right roles. Trisha too feels the same way. “So far I have been associated with box office hits. Now that I am established I am expecting more matured roles. But not many heroine-oriented roles are coming these days. That's the sad state of affairs in Tamil. In malayalam heroines get meaty roles” she laments the present day where heroines are mere clotheshorse. “ In yesteryear films , a women had an equal role to play . Those days, mature actresses were really in and these days the young fresh lots are in. Like in Gilli, hats off to Dharani because I've never done a serious kind of role. He had faith in me and gave me a role which is extremely different.” she explains.. She has her kitty filled with Telugu films and the reason cannot be that she is getting meatier roles. In Tollywood too she seems to be running around the trees. “ When 'Varsham' happened the Telugu industry welcomed me with a red carpet. The money they offer me is also good. So I don't see any reason for me to reject Telugu offers” reasons Trisha. Trisha adores Audrey Hepburn for her role in "Wait until dark" and Julia Roberts did in "My Best Friend's wedding". For the first time she has turned brand ambassador for Coke. Last year she came with Madhavan for Pepsi. Trisha does her own kind of charity and keeps it away from the glare of publicity.. She does chip in her bit for many charities.” Recently also I visited Cancer Institute and spent time with them. I had been to Srilanka for a Rotarian meeting recently for a noble cause. I love dogs and cats. My desire is have a kennel for the stray dogs and cats of my area and feed them. Two dogs and a cat comes home and we feed them. It gives immense pleasure to watch them “ says Trisha with excitement She always asks her mom for a second opinion because she feels restless when she has to decide herself. “ She always tells me 'You don't ask me, you take your own decision and I will tell you whether it is right or not.' There is a lot of faith because at the end of it she says, that you should not look at me and say that 'you made me take the decision' ”says Trisha with a laugh. As a word of advise to the newcomers with dreams of a film career Trisha has this to say . “ Follow your dreams. At the same time please have an alternative. If films do not happen, you must have something where you can fall back upon.” Director Priyadharshan had offered her a film with Salman Khan. Due to non-availability of dates she was not able to do that film. He has promised to take cast her sometimes in June next year. Couple of other Hindi offers has also come for Trisha. Trisha sums up her personality trait . “With some people whom I'm very close to I get very touchy about something they say in a lighter vein .I take it seriously and don't talk to them and that's very wrong. They keep asking me what did they do and I don't give them an explanation. I think it's very stupid and very immature” says Trisha with her famous impish smile.
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